July 02nd, 2021
Barbato Srl company is partner in the project Traceability, Certification and Anti-Counterfeiting of Made in Italy fashion products, implemented as part of the Call for Support for Research and Development projects developed by the Industrial Districts and Regional Innovative Networks – DGR n. 1139 of 19 July 2017 – QUESTION ID.: 10064287.
With this project, the Regional Innovation Network FACE-DESIGN, and in particular all 14 project partners, has proposed to raise the technological content of the certification and traceability system, redefining a structure already developed in a previous project of the Veneto Region: this is not an introduction of mere technology, but an improvement in the overall operating procedures that must take into account the company structure and the type of product, especially as regards the certification process and the practical application of the traceability system, through the use of the so-called Etichetta Parlante, as well as aiming at innovative communication of contents in order to initiate, nurture and consolidate a dialogue with its customers (current and potential).
The new labels, applied to fashion products through a support such as QRCode, RFID etc., will not only be a concentrate of suggestions for promotional purposes and data on the supply chain but a real digital passport, from which you can also access the statistics on production volumes, transformation and distribution of products.
The project was carried out through:
the creation of applied research laboratories with the collaboration of universities, where the profound interaction between the academic world and businesses has allowed the in-depth study and development of issues such as useful practices for traceability for authentication, therefore recognizability and authenticity of the Made in Italy, the development of new marketing models (innovation of business models, communication design, service and retail design, etc.) and the strengthening of supply chain relationships, in particular those relating to the reduction of misalignments between companies in the supply chain on the subject of sustainability.
the introduction and expansion of an innovative traceability system for the products of companies in the Fashion sector, closely connected to products certified nationally by an authoritative body such as Unioncamere – TFashion system.
the creation of innovative ways to communicate the traceability of certified products and to enhance, through an innovation marketing action, the solution adopted, with the aim of reaching the final consumer and thus also adopting a new business model.
Project partner: Università Degli Studi Di Verona, Università Degli Studi Di Padova, Università IUAV di Venezia, Università Cà Foscari.